Research Article
Outcome of Pregnancy In Myomatous Uterus in the Gynecology-Obstetrics Department of the Ignace Deen Hospital of the Conakry University Hospital Centre, Guinea
Conté Ibrahima*
Bah Elhadj Mamoudou,
Soumah Aboubacar Fodé Momo,
Diallo Boubacar Alpha,
Sylla Ousmane,
Sylla Ibrahima,
Diallo Aboudourahamane,
Sy Telly
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
30 March 2024
5 August 2024
27 August 2024
Abstract: Introduction: the association of myoma and pregnancy is a frequent entity, often prone to obstetric complications. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of myoma on pregnancy, childbirth and the post-partum period. Patients and methods: this was a prospective descriptive and analytical study conducted over a 6-month period from 6 September 2022 to 5 March 2023 in the gynaecology and obstetrics department of Ignace Deen Hospital. It concerned pregnant women with uterine myomas who had agreed to take part in the study. Results: the frequency of pregnancy in a myomatous uterus was 5.58%. The average age of the pregnant women was 28, with extremes of 21 and 40. The most common age group was 31-35. Nearly 70% (69.86%) of the cases of fibroids associated with pregnancy were discovered by ultrasound. The location of the myomas was interstitial in 47.95% of cases. Medium-sized fibroids (6-10 cm) dominated our series (53.42% of cases). Of the 146 cases collected, 72% gave birth in the department, 77.78% by caesarean section. The indication for caesarean section Dystocic presentations (54.76%) were the major indication in more than half the cases. Over 70% of pregnant women gave birth without complications. These were dominated in the mother by miscarriage (20.93%) and premature delivery (16.27%). Fetal asphyxia (4.65%) and intrauterine growth retardation (4.65%) in the fetus. The study reported a significant association between size, location and the occurrence of obstetric complications (P value: 0.034; 0.009). Conclusion: the association of fibroma and pregnancy is a frequent entity and constitutes a high risk for the mother and the foetus. Morbidity is related to the location of the myoma and changes according to the term of the pregnancy. If pregnancy is to have a successful outcome, it is essential that pregnant women are aware of the importance of antenatal monitoring, with a view to early detection and appropriate management of any complications.
Abstract: Introduction: the association of myoma and pregnancy is a frequent entity, often prone to obstetric complications. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of myoma on pregnancy, childbirth and the post-partum period. Patients and methods: this was a prospective descriptive and analytical study conducted over a 6-month period from 6 Septembe...
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Review Article
Fundamentals to Diagnosing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescents: A Critical Literature Review
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
23 July 2024
14 August 2024
30 August 2024
Abstract: Background: Because of this prevalence and frequent association with various comorbidites, the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) must be performed as early as possible. Despite conflicting findings, many studies have been published on adolescents with a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome. Methods: The Google Scholar and PubMed data bases were searched for publications in the English language reporting on PCOS diagnosis in adolescents. Results: A comprehensive analysis of data regarding the overlay of physiological ripening of menstrual cycle characteristics, androgen levels, and ovary aspects during puberty with the established criteria to diagnose PCOS in adults revealed that are liable diagnosis of PCOS in adolescence is possibleas soon as 2-3 years postmenarche. Persistant menstrual cycle intervals shorter than 21 days or longer than 45 days, total testosterone levels >1.9-2.0 nmol/l and ovary volume >10cm3 after 15-16 years of age can be used to diagnose PCOS. Conclusion: When combined, any persistent deviation of physiological parameters in adolescents as a criterion to diagnose PCOS in adults allows a certain diagnosis of PCOS in adolescents.
Abstract: Background: Because of this prevalence and frequent association with various comorbidites, the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) must be performed as early as possible. Despite conflicting findings, many studies have been published on adolescents with a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome. Methods: The Google Scholar and PubMed data ...
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Research Article
Bacterial Vaginosis and Its Associated Factor Among Pregnant Women Receiving Prenatal Care at Bonga Gebretsadik Shoawo General Hospital, South West Ethiopia
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
24 July 2024
29 August 2024
30 August 2024
Abstract: One of the most frequent causes of irregular vaginal discharge in pregnant women is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is characterized by a rise of various anaerobic bacteria and a decrease in important bacteria, the lactobacilli. The variation in the prevalence and its contributing causes among various populations, and nations is well known. Hence, in this study, the prevalence and characteristics associated with BV in pregnant women were determined. Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on pregnant women who visited the obstetric and gynecological units at Bonga general hospital in Bonga, south west Ethiopia. Nugent’s scoring method was used for the diagnosis of BV. The prevalence of BV was 19.7% (48/244) [95% CI 17.2–23.2]. Vaginal douching with soap was significantly linked to BV in women (AOR, 3.6; 95% CI: 1.4–9.1). Pregnant women with vaginal discharge and with a foul-smelling odor were four times more likely to have BV (AOR, 4.2; 95% CI: 1.7–10.3; p = 0.001). Furthermore, women who had multiple sexual partners were three times more likely to get BV. It was noted that pregnant women in this study had a high prevalence of BV. We revealed that the majority of women with BV had vaginal discharge and an unpleasant odor. We were able to verify the association between BV in pregnant women with multiple sexual partners and women who practiced vaginal douching with soap. Therefore, additional research may be required to validate and assess the reason for this correlation. Planning a preventive approach for BV that discourages vaginal douching with soap and multiple sexual partners during pregnancy may reduce the prevalence of BV.
Abstract: One of the most frequent causes of irregular vaginal discharge in pregnant women is bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is characterized by a rise of various anaerobic bacteria and a decrease in important bacteria, the lactobacilli. The variation in the prevalence and its contributing causes among various populations, and nations is well known. Hence, ...
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